3 Unproven Myths You NEED To Know About Plant-Based Recipes

3 min readNov 12, 2021


The term “plant-based nutrition” is becoming increasingly popular in contemporary society. On social media and in the news, we can already see some disinformation circulating. We’ve done our homework and want to debunk some of the common misconceptions.

Here’s the top 3 myths we’ve found.

Plant-based nutrition is Unnatural

The Paleo diet was founded on plant-based nutrition. We used to think that early humans ate a lot of animal protein in their diet. The Paleo diet (which is primarily made up of animal protein) became extremely popular in the nutrition and diet industry in the 2000s as a result of this idea. Although we now know that nuts, fruits, leaves, roots, seeds, and water were the primary sources of nourishment for bipedal primates and Homo sapiens. The “original” Paleo Diet in this case was actually plant-based diet.

Plant-based nutrition is a fancy term for a Vegan Diet

Plant-based eating is defined as getting a significant percentage of one’s nutrients from vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, whole grains, and legumes or other plants. You can choose from a variety of plant-based nutrition solutions. Some adhere to a pure vegan diet, while others consume animal products such as dairy (vegetarian), and yet eat meat, poultry, and fish on occasion. Everyone can benefit from a plant-based diet; the key is to consume more vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and legumes.

Plant-Based Nutrition is not for Athletes

To gain muscle growth, it was long thought that you needed to include animal protein in your diet. In fact, the gorilla is the most powerful creature (most are herbivores). It can lift roughly 4409 pounds, which is ten times its own weight. It would be the equivalent of a 200-pound person lifting a 2000-pound object. We can presumably live a healthy and vigorous life on a plant-based diet if other mammals can. Some studies and athletes have shown that eating a plant-based diet can help you gain muscle and stay fit. For example, Scott Jurek, one of the top runners of all time and an American ultramarathoner, is a plant-based eater!

Plant-based diet is a terrific alternative for being a better person, whether you want to help the world, become healthier, or simply feel better.

Who else wants to start eating healthy, plant based foods?

Claim your step-by-step guide on how to boost your energy with plant based eating!




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